A very red engagement
Most of you know that Hugo Chávez is breaking the law by using government funds to pay for his campaign. My work on this blog has been to document, with pictures, one of the ways this has worked.
But my work got a lot easier last week when Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez publicly admitted that PDVSA employees had to work for Chávez's re-election, or else they would be fired. Or rather, in his own words, "they will get the crap beaten out of them," because PDVSA is "red, very red." (referring to Chávez signature color)
The picture I received yesterday is further proof that this election is, indeed, a very red engagement. It shows a PDVSA truck happily advertising Chávez's candidacy on the back.

Now you know folks, as the back of the truck says, call 800-33727 in case of an electoral emergency.
But my work got a lot easier last week when Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez publicly admitted that PDVSA employees had to work for Chávez's re-election, or else they would be fired. Or rather, in his own words, "they will get the crap beaten out of them," because PDVSA is "red, very red." (referring to Chávez signature color)
The picture I received yesterday is further proof that this election is, indeed, a very red engagement. It shows a PDVSA truck happily advertising Chávez's candidacy on the back.

Now you know folks, as the back of the truck says, call 800-33727 in case of an electoral emergency.
realmente me duele que trates de engañar a la gente. Si tu intencion es decirle al mundo que aqui hay una dictadura totalitaria y que Chávez esta en la búsqueda del poder absoluto, puedes hacerlo, pero la historia dirá el tamaño de tu manipulacion...De todas maneras,como aqui en Venezuela hay libertad de expresión, estas en todo tu derecho de decir lo que te venga en gana. Hay muchos bloggers chavistas que luchan por desmontar la manipulación de gente como tu
Nice CHAVrolet though.
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